Hi Friends,
I came across a video that really resonated with me, and I felt inclined to share it with this community. It featured Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talking about pain being the touchstone of spiritual growth and how addicts have an amazing opportunity for redemption because they go through hell and back. That kind of pain will shape a person and create empathy that not everyone will get to experience in their lifetime. If you are here, trying to get better, you're on your redemption path.
Another point that is uncovered in his video is that patients who believe in god, whether he actually exists or not, have a higher success rate of feeling better quicker. Hearing that took me back to my own spirituality and journey of quitting kratom and thought it was the time to share.
I was born and raised Catholic, but as soon as I was off to college and living on my own, I knew I was done with organized religion. Not only did my catholic upbringing instill great shame and fear in me, but I saw my family that pushed it on me as hypocrites. I lost my faith in god, in fact, I don't know if I ever really had faith to begin with as I was always questioning the scripture. But nonetheless, I lost all bearings of faith, religion, and spirituality until I faced horrific heartbreak at the age of 29, which led me to an Ayahuasca ceremony in Ecuador. I felt a love so powerful in that ceremony, and the only way to describe this love and guidance was God and my angels. I also saw my path forward as a healer and a mother of a daughter whom I had the most unconditional love for. To my astonishment, the visions I had that night of my higher self are the women I am five years later.
First, though, I was thrown back into the trenches of anxiety, depression, and grief, which led me to find reprieve in kratom. Then, the kratom eventually spiraled out of control, and I met my lowest, most pitiful self and knew it was time for redemption as I was so far from the person I knew I could be. Today, I am bringing awareness to mental health and kratom addiction and providing a supplement that is helping people get to their best selves quicker and easier. I'm also a mom to my daughter, who was born with Myelomeningocele Spina Bifida in July. Doctors gave me the option for termination when she was in utero, but I knew she was a part of that vision and knew my love for her was unconditional no matter what hurdles we'd have. My life hasn't always been easy—in fact, it has been far from. But my belief in a higher spirit these past five years has kept me on the track to the life I wanted to live—a life worth living. No matter where you are in your quitting journey, I want you to know that although it may be difficult, it is an opportunity to reflect on your mental or physical struggles and get to know yourself on a deeper level. I know you can redeem yourself, and QuitK is here to help.
Wishing you all the best,
Emily Beutler-Stam
Founder of QuitK