Seek Help- Attempting to Quit Kratom for Good

Seek Help- Attempting to Quit Kratom for Good

You may be one of the many people who have tried to quit kratom multiple times with no prolonged success. Even if you have admitted your kratom addiction to a loved one and have their support you may need the help of a professional or someone who knows the addiction and withdrawal recovery process of kratom. I hope you have a good primary doctor you can confide in and who will refer you to the right people and programs if they aren’t familiar with this process of quitting kratom themselves.

I wouldn’t be afraid to seek outpatient or inpatient care either if you have gone multiple attempts with no success. There are very few rehab programs right now specific to kratom addiction but I’m sure that will change quickly. If you can’t find an easily accessible rehab program in your area then look for a rehab or detox program that works with opioid addiction recovery as kratom acts similarly on the brain.

If you do go this route, try to be as cognizant as possible when they’re prescribing medications to you as you don’t want to get addicted to something else and try not to get on a high dose of Suboxone for an extended period of time. I have a good friend who was able to successfully quit kratom cold turkey after many failed attempts with micro dosing Suboxone for 7 days. He was prescribed a lot more of the medication then he actually took. I know that takes will power but it worked for him.

Professional help can be more than just a prescribing doctor or rehab program. It can be AA meetings, a therapist, life coach or a loved one to keep you on track and accountable throughout the process. 

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