Make a Plan for a Kratom Free Life

Make a Plan for a Kratom Free Life

Everbody is different but for me the perfect plan for quitting kratom would have looked like this (see below). I hope you can take bits and pieces of this step by step guide to create the best plan for you in your kratom free journey. 

Day 1:

  • Commit to being kratom-free by a certain date.
  • Write out your own plan.
  • Tell the people closest to you what you’re struggling with and your plan and commitment for quitting kratom. 
  • Start taking the QuitK Day & Night Recovery Complex. Take 2 tablets of the morning supplement with food after waking up and 2 tablets of the night formula an hour or two before bed. Even if you don’t feel immediate effects, continue to take QuitK daily so it can build up in your system. Time and consistency is key with this for feeling your best and being able to kick your kratom addiction for good!
  • Minimally cut back on kratom intake. This may look like a half gram every other day. You don’t want to cut back any significant amount where you’re feeling kratom withdrawals sooner than your body is prepared for.

Week 2:

  • Start making lifestyle changes. Get outside a little more, eat your greens, increase your protein intake, eliminate as much processed food and sugar as possible. Drink more water. Do healthy things you enjoy like finding a good book, catching up with old friends, plan a fun trip for when you’re kratom free. Preferably pick a country or state where kratom is illegal so you know you can’t bring any kratom with you and you won’t be able to get any kratom products there.
  • Find your support people and groups whether it’s online or in person.
  • Continue to gradually cut back on kratom.

Day 20: 

  • Your last day on kratom…hopefully forever!
  • Treat yourself to an IV to help prepare your body for the first full day without kratom. Best things to have in the IV would be vitamin c, b12, magnesium, and NAC.
  • Throw out any product in your house or that you have access to. For some, this may be hundreds of dollars worth of kratom but that should be even more of a reason why you won’t go buy more when a kratom craving arises.
  • Day 21 will be your first cold turkey day and you're prepared!

Day 21: 

  • Plan to not have any work or real obligation for the first 2 days but do have a few things planned so you’re not at home with too much time on your hands thinking about kratom.
  • Schedule a massage.
  • Go out for lunch with a friend.
  • Attend an AA meeting or call.
  • Clean out your closets.
  • Journal, read, find a good show to binge watch etc.
  • Plan on it being hard and that you will have some challenges over the next few days but nothing you can’t make it through! The only way out is through.
  • Refer to my mind tricks for overcoming cravings in another blog post.


  • I highly recommend staying on the QuitK supplement for at least 60 days after you quit. This is to regulate your system and to help avoid PAWS from kratom withdrawal.
  • If you have gone two weeks without any kratom but you’re still feeling depressed, anxious, or not able to sleep then you may want to reach out to your doctor to see about getting on an antidepressant or what they would recommend. Post-Acute withdrawal symptom (PAWS) is one of the main reasons why people will start using again so be very aware of this stage but hopefully you will get to avoid kratom withdrawal symptoms altogether. 


Another Option

If you have more patience and will power than me, you may wish to taper the whole time and not go cold turkey from kratom. This may be a way to avoid withdrawal symptoms altogether but having a support system and implementing healthy lifestyle changes will help with kratom withdrawal symptoms too.

Many people have posted kratom taper schedules after having successful results. It's important to note that these are just suggestions. One of the most common suggestions from people who have been successful, with the tapering method, is to slowly decrease the kratom serving every two days by 0.5 grams, the equivalent of one-tenth of a teaspoon. Precise measuring and documenting your taper schedule will help keep you on the right track. You’ll most likely need a digital scale for this. 

If you feel comfortable doing so, you can keep decreasing your serving size of kratom a little more every couple of days, going at your own pace and listening to your body. However, if you begin to experience unwanted side effects from kratom, you should keep your serving at the same amount and wait until they pass. You can resume tapering once you feel better.

This process is meant to be hard but I know you'll be able to beat your dependence to kratom with the tools the QuitK team has to offer!

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