How to Mentally Overcome Your Kratom Cravings

How to Mentally Overcome Your Kratom Cravings

You don’t see it yet because you’re probably not on the other side of your kratom addiction but you’re going to look back at this suffering and think of it as a beautiful journey. There’s a certain confidence, self-trust and pride that you’ll eventually feel on the other side that you didn’t have before. I had failed to quit kratom multiple times before becoming successful. During this time, not only was I mentally and physically feeling low but I couldn’t trust myself any more. I couldn’t keep a promise to myself. I HATED that feeling. I knew I wasn’t living in alignment with myself.

On my final and successful attempt at quitting kratom these were the things I was thinking and or repeating to myself over and over again. I believe all of them to be absolute truth.  You do have the power to change your mind and in return change your life. 

  • I know this feeling will eventually pass.
  • Don’t be afraid of the uncomfortable, the down time, the hard feelings that come up. It won’t last forever and is a necessary part of the journey.
  • If I take kratom today, will I regret it tomorrow? Yes.
  • The only way out is through.
  • There is never going to be a cconvenient time to quit kratom. I’m done making excuses for why I need it today.
  • What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger.
  • Getting off kratom is purposely meant to be hard so you won’t want to start the cycle again.
  • If they can do it, I can do it. (Go read success stories and listen to podcasts on people that made it to the other side, living kratom free.)
  • Practice gratitude for all of the good things you do have in your life.
  • Find your real “why” for quitting kratom and remind yourself of it every day.
  • Think of what you would tell a friend in your same position and tell that to yourself. We are usually hardest on our own selves. This is a time to be your biggest cheerleader.

I hope you believe in yourself through this process.  It is possible to overcome your kratom dependency and get through the withdrawals and cravings. 

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