Lifestyle Changes- What Helped Me Stay Kratom Free

Lifestyle Changes- What Helped Me Stay Kratom Free

Addiction of any sort is a powerful thing. I know it’s going to take more than just taking the QuitK supplement for you to kick the habit for it good. It’s going to ask you to change. Change your thoughts, your lifestyle and your daily routine.

Also, when you give up one thing in your life it’s good to replace it with something else so there’s not this huge void.

  • For me, I was used to drinking kratom multiple times throughout the day so instead I started drinking smoothies and the occasional kids size freeze from Dutch Bros when I needed a little caffeine pick-me up. I also needed to find other ways that made me feel good in my body and help give me natural energy.
  • Long walks in nature or just being outside in general is always a dopamine boost for me. I know it sounds like a lot to leave your home when you don’t feel good. Start with committing to just walking a couple blocks and you may find that you want to keep going.
  • I also craved the heat when I was going through my withdrawals. I got really into hot yoga, saunas, hot tubs and magnesium baths and found immense comfort in those things.
  • Find a really good quality supplement that's targeted at the symptoms you're experiencing.  For me, I created my own, QuitK, and stayed consistent taking it.  

In general, I can’t stress enough to eat nutritious food, drink plenty of water, get outside, move your body and surround yourself with positive and supportive people. You too can quit kratom!

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